Quick Reads:
Practical Guides:
Comprehensive Theory:
Policy Governance 101 Workbook:
Available with training provided by Brown Dog Consulting.
Meeting Helpers:
Have you ever wanted to make a quick comment, ask a question, or draw attention to a process issue, without interrupting the person speaking? Have you ever missed reading important non-verbal cues during a meeting, or wished meeting participants were more engaged? Do you find people wait until after the meeting to say what they really think?
Try using these handy Meeting Helpers which allow participants to insert a quick comment or question without disrupting the flow of the meeting. Meeting Helpers are an easy, unobtrusive way to:
- Signal when it might be time for a break
- Applaud someone’s idea
- Ask for a chance to speak
- Find out which policy is under discussion
- Move the group to a decision
- Point out a meeting process issue
- and more!
Each wire-bound book of laminated Meeting Helpers includes thirty different messages designed to improve communication and participation during your meetings. Order a copy for each member of your team or board of directors, and let us know how they work for you!
Cost (in U.S. dollars):
Clients: $15 each plus shipping & handling
Future clients: $20 each plus shipping & handling
Payment accepted by PayPal and cheque. For an invoice, estimated total and delivery timing, send an e-mail with your address and quantity requested to info@browndogconsulting.com.