Example for Illustrative Purposes Only, for a fictional organization, “Happyville Business Association”
1.0 Small- and medium-sized business owners based in Happyville operate sustainable, ethical, innovative companies that generate meaningful jobs. This will be achieved at a level of efficiency exceeding that of other similar organizations in this region.
Accordingly, and in order of priority:
1.1 Happyville entrepreneurs start businesses that survive at least five years at least 50% of the time.
1.2 Happyville business owners can adapt to change.
1.3 Happyville business owners invest in growth.
1.4 Happyville business owners and operators operate legally, accountably, and in a socially responsible manner.
- 1.4.1 By 2024, the number of lawsuits filed against Happyville business owners will have decreased by 20% since 2018.
1.5 Happyville business owners are recognized for technological innovation and new product design.
1.6 Happyville businesses generate at least 5,000 net new jobs in 2024.
- 1.6.1 At least 50% of new jobs will be full-time, paid with benefits.
- 1.6.2 New jobs created will have wages or salaries at least 2% higher than the average wage or salary for that industry in the region.